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Accessories are used to change the player's appearance in Yonder. They consist of hats, face accessories, and facial hair. All accessories are unisex and can be worn by both female and male characters.

Accessories are optional. The player wears one piece of each type of accessory at a time. It can be replaced with another accessory of the same type or be taken off completely.

The player can get accessories in a variety of ways: by crafting, trading, or completing quests.

The player starts the game without any accessories.


Icon Name Value Crafting Trading Other Sources
BakersHatIcon Baker's Hat ValueSign1 Merchant otOK: Mocha Bay: 5xOldKingdomCoinIcon
BeretIcon Beret ValueSign1 Wayfarer: 1xFluffIcon 1xRedDyeIcon Maggie
BowlerHatIcon Bowler Hat ValueSign205 Trader Jack during Halloween: 8xMysteriousCandyIcon Vampire Butler costume for Halloween
Chest in Hearthwind Vale
ButterflyHairpieceIcon Butterfly Hairpiece ValueSign817 Master Craftsman: 1xMasterCraftsmansKitIcon 1xGoldIngotIcon 1xSilverIngotIcon 1xHaberdasheryIcon 1xPinkDyeIcon 1xWhiteDyeIcon 1xYellowDyeIcon 1xGlueIcon
CatEarsIcon Cat Ears ValueSign1 Wayfarer: 1xTailorsKitIcon 1xHaberdasheryIcon 1xRivetIcon 1xBlackDyeIcon 1xPinkDyeIcon Merchant otOK: Inglenook: 10xOldKingdomCoinIcon Recipe: The Cat Lady and Her 55 Cats quest
ChefsHatIcon Chef's Hat ValueSign470 Master Chef: 1xChefsKitIcon 1xTailorsKitIcon 1xWhiteDyeIcon 1xOrangeDyeIcon 1xRedDyeIcon 1xSilkIcon 1xClothIcon 1xHaberdasheryIcon
EarmuffsIcon Earmuffs ValueSign507 Master Tailor: 1xTailorsKitIcon 1xHaberdasheryIcon 1xFluffIcon 1xYarnIcon 1xGlueIcon 2xBlueDyeIcon 1xWhiteDyeIcon Tradesman: Bobbintoff: ValueSign33
FieldHatIcon Field Hat ValueSign485 Master Carpenter: 1xCarpentersKitIcon 1xTailorsKitIcon 1xBrownDyeIcon 2xHideIcon 1xPeltIcon 1xTwineIcon 1xHaberdasheryIcon
FloppyBeanieIcon Floppy Beanie ValueSign604 Master Tailor: 1xTailorsKitIcon 1xHaberdasheryIcon 1xTwineIcon 3xYarnIcon 1xRivetIcon 1xGreenDyeIcon Tradesman: Bobbintoff: ValueSign39
GroffleAntlersIcon Groffle Antlers ValueSign1 Merchant otOK: Mocha Bay: 8xOldKingdomCoinIcon
Tradesman: Bobbintoff: ValueSign1
HeadScarfIcon Head Scarf ValueSign614 Master Tailor: 1xTailorsKitIcon 1xHaberdasheryIcon 2xClothIcon 1xSilkIcon 1xPinkDyeIcon Chest in Dapplewood Forest
LongBrimmedHatIcon Long-Brimmed Hat ValueSign453 Master Tailor: 1xTailorsKitIcon 1xHaberdasheryIcon 1xClothIcon 1xSilkIcon 1xPeltIcon 1xGlueIcon 1xBlueDyeIcon 1xPurpleDyeIcon Tradesman: Bobbintoff: ValueSign29
OversizedBowIcon Oversized Bow ValueSign1 Tradesman: Bobbintoff: ValueSign1 Quest: Kozi's Lovely Creatures
TiaraIcon Tiara ValueSign1 Wayfarer: 1xGoldOreIcon 1xPinkDyeIcon Maggie
TopHatIcon Top Hat ValueSign1 Merchant otOK: Bobbintoff: 3xOldKingdomCoinIcon Quest: Kozi's Lovely Creatures
VikingHatIcon Viking Hat ValueSign1 Wayfarer: 1xIronOreIcon 1xTwineIcon 1xStickIcon Maggie
WitchyHatIcon Witchy Hat ValueSign205 Trader Jack during Halloween: 8xMysteriousCandyIcon Witch costume for Halloween

Face Accessories[]

Icon Name Value Crafting Trading Other Sources
BallMaskIcon Ball Mask ValueSign210 Trader Jack during Halloween: 8xMysteriousCandyIcon Vampire Butler costume for Halloween
BlackRimmedGlassesIcon Black-Rimmed Glasses ValueSign646 Master Tinker: 1xTinkersKitIcon 1xConstructorsKitIcon 2xBlackDyeIcon 1xCogsIcon 1xBitsAndBobsIcon 1xSilverIngotIcon 1xRivetIcon Chest near East Docks
GasMaskIcon Gas Mask ValueSign1 Wayfarer: 1xPeltIcon 1xHideIcon 1xCogsIcon Maggie
LovelySunglassesIcon Lovely Sunglasses ValueSign1 Wayfarer: 1xIronOreIcon 1xPinkDyeIcon 1xBitsAndBobsIcon Maggie
SunglassesIcon Sunglasses ValueSign451 Master Tinker: 1xTinkersKitIcon 1xConstructorsKitIcon 1xYellowDyeIcon 1xBitsAndBobsIcon 2xGoldIngotIcon 1xRivetIcon 1xWaterIcon Tradesman: Bobbintoff: ValueSign29 Chest in the Murk in Radiant Sands
TinkersGogglesIcon Tinker's Goggles ValueSign484 Master Tinker: 1xTinkersKitIcon 1xConstructorsKitIcon 1xLeatherStripsIcon 2xCopperIngotIcon 1xLeadIngotIcon 1xGlueIcon 1xRivetIcon
WitchyGlassesIcon Witchy Glasses ValueSign210 Trader Jack during Halloween: 8xMysteriousCandyIcon Witch costume for Halloween

Facial Hair[]

All facial hair has the same value: ValueSign1 and cannot be crafted.

Icon Name Merchant Other Sources
AnchorBeardIcon Anchor Beard Merchant otOK: Bobbintoff: 2xOldKingdomCoinIcon
CircleBeardIcon Circle Beard Merchant otOK: Inglenook: 2xOldKingdomCoinIcon
ConteBeardIcon Conte Beard Merchant otOK: Wimblewick: 2xOldKingdomCoinIcon Chest in a cave in Sunderwind Wilds
FullBeardIcon Full Beard Merchant otOK: Bobbintoff: 2xOldKingdomCoinIcon
ImperialMustacheIcon Imperial Mustache Merchant otOK: Inglenook: 2xOldKingdomCoinIcon
MuttonChopsIcon Mutton Chops Merchant otOK: Mocha Bay: 2xOldKingdomCoinIcon Quest: The Great Beard Off
TheLincolnIcon The Lincoln Merchant otOK: Mocha Bay: 2xOldKingdomCoinIcon
VanDykeBeardIcon Van Dyke Beard Merchant otOK: Wimblewick: 2xOldKingdomCoinIcon
