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Icon Creatures

Scattered throughout the island of Gemea are wondrous and delightful creatures.


You can befriend and adopt any of these animals.

To house animals on your farm you need to build and place farming structures for them first. LargeAnimalPenIconLarge Animal Pens and SmallAnimalPenIconSmall Animal Pens (or SturdyLargeAnimalPenIconSturdy Large Animal Pens and SturdySmallAnimalPenIconSturdy Small Animal Pens) are necessary to adopt animals. They house one large or one small animal respectively.

After placing the appropriate structure interact with the animal while having their favorite food in inventory. You can now feed the animal until it follows you, then walk it back to your farm (feeding it more if necessary) and adopt it.

Animals housed on the farm produce resources over time. Their produce is placed in the big red chest at the farm for you to pick up. Each creature produces a different product.

Animals can be released by interacting with the menu for the pen they are currently in, freeing it for the new animal.

Animal Care Rating[]

FodderTroughIconFodder Troughs and WaterTroughIconWater Troughs keep the animals happy on the farm. You need to place one of each per one large or two small animals to keep maximum Animal Care rating.

You can also interact with an animal to bring this rating up.

List of Animals[]

There are 16 species of animals in the game.

Image Name Feed Produce Size Location Season
GrassFoxIcon Grass Fox FodderIconFodder ClayIconClay Small The Grasslands Spring • Summer • Fall
BurrowFoxIcon Burrow Fox FodderIconFodder StoneIconStone Small Sunderwind Wilds All
FrostFoxIcon Frost Fox FodderIconFodder WaterIconWater Small The Shivering Plains Fall • Winter • Spring
GlossFoxIcon Gloss Fox FodderIconFodder OilIconOil Small Crestfall Coast Spring • Summer • Fall
JungleFoxIcon Jungle Fox FodderIconFodder VineIconVine Small Dapplewood Forest All
SilkFoxIcon Silk Fox FodderIconFodder SilkIconSilk Small Hearthwind Vale Fall • Winter • Spring
SootFoxIcon Soot Fox FodderIconFodder CoalIconCoal Small Numino Peak Spring • Summer • Fall
Groffle Groffle CeliumSeedIconCelium Seed GroffleMilkIconGroffle Milk Large The Grasslands Spring • Summer • Winter
Bambex Bambex VineIconVine PeltIconPelt Small Dapplewood Forest Spring • Fall • Winter
Squomble Squomble WoodIconWood StickIconStick Small Sunderwind Wilds All
Fabbit Fabbit HerbsIconHerbs EggIconEgg Small Hearthwind Vale All
Fenicorn Fenicorn PoutineIconPoutine HideIconHide Large Radiant Sands Spring • Summer • Fall
Girpacca Girpacca WarmMilkIconWarm Milk FluffIconFluff Large Numino Peak Spring • Fall • Winter
FluffCub Fluff Cub CookedFishIconCooked Fish FluffIconFluff Large The Shivering Plains Spring • Fall • Winter
SprigPig Sprig-pig MushroomIconMushroom Flowers: AyvaFlowerIcon ButtaberryFlowerIcon CeliumFlowerIcon LyabudFlowerIcon MoonsilkFlowerIcon Small Crestfall Coast Spring • Fall • Winter
Kirin Kirin LuckyRainbowFishIconLucky Rainbow Fish Dye: BlackDyeIcon BlueDyeIcon BrownDyeIcon GreenDyeIcon OrangeDyeIcon
PinkDyeIcon PurpleDyeIcon RedDyeIcon WhiteDyeIcon YellowDyeIcon
Large Any Any


Note that you don't need to adopt Kirin to get this achievement.