Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles Wiki

Farming is one of the ways to obtain resources in Yonder.

There are six farms in the game: one in every region except Crestfall Coast and Numino Peak. The player can get the quest to build the farm by interacting with the wooden board sign at the future farm's location. After gathering the materials and interacting with the board again the farm will be built.

Farm Locations[ | ]

When you build your first farm you will learn the recipe for crafting TravelersKnotIconTraveler's Knot. This item will allow you to fast travel to any of the farms you own.

South Field Farm[ | ]

South Field Farm Location

South Field Farm Location

South Field Farm is in the Grasslands. It is the first farm the player gets as Minnie in Fairmont gives the quest to repair it early in the game. After building the farm the player can speak to Bushel who is nearby to learn some farming basics.

Farm size: 15x15

Dapplewood Farm[ | ]

Dapplewood Farm Location

Dapplewood Farm Location

Dapplewood Farm is in Dapplewood Forest on a small plateau overlooking Riverdrift Mill. It is a convenient location to keep animals from both Dapplewood Forest and Crestfall Coast since there is no farm on the coast. You can build this farm after clearing the Murk with 8 sprites.

Farm size: 12x15

Hearthwind Farm[ | ]

Hearthwind Farm Location

Hearthwind Farm Location

Hearthwind Farm is in the Hearthwind Vale. It can be pretty hard to get since it is so high. You need to clear some Murk and repair the bridge. Get to the Sage Stone, then go up on the plateau, through a small cave to the west, and you can build this farm.

Farm size: 10x18

Radiant Farm[ | ]

Radiant Farm Location

Radiant Farm Location

Radiant Farm is in the Radiant Sands. To get there the player needs to advance in the story quest.

Farm size: 8x25

Sunderwind Farm[ | ]

Sunderwind Farm Location

Sunderwind Farm Location

Sunderwind Farm is in the Sunderwind Wilds. It is in the mountains just east of Wimblewick. It is easily accessible from Sunderwind Wilds, Dapplewood Forest, and Numino Peak.

Farm size: 12x20

Shivering Farm[ | ]

Shivering Farm Location

Shivering Farm Location

Shivering Farm is in the Shivering Plains east of the Sage Stone. The player can also keep Numino Peak animals there since there is no farm in Numino.

Farm size: 12x15

Farming Basics[ | ]

See also: Animals, Seeds

In order to start farming the player needs to place farming structures on the farm first. LargeAnimalPenIconLarge Animal Pens and SmallAnimalPenIconSmall Animal Pens are necessary to adopt farm animals, GardenPlotIconGarden Plots and TreePlotIconTree Plots are needed to grow crops and trees.

Farm structures can be crafted or traded for. Once you own the structure, you can place it by interacting with the large Farm Book. It opens the interface where you can place new structures, and remove and move existing ones.

Tip: you can get some structures for your first farm for free if you speak with Bushel after repairing it.

After placing a GardenPlotIconGarden Plot or a TreePlotIconTree Plot you can plant seeds in them.

LargeAnimalPenIconLarge Animal Pen and SmallAnimalPenIconSmall Animal Pen can house one large and one small animal respectively. To get an animal you need to find in the wild and feed it until it follows you, then walk it back to your farm (feeding it more if necessary) with at least one empty pen and adopt it.

Animals, crops and trees produce resources automatically, their produce is placed in the big red chest at the farm. You can also harvest crops and cut down trees yourself.

Animals and crops can be removed by interacting with the menu for the structure they are currently in. Trees can also be removed in the menu or chopped.

Increasing the Rating[ | ]

There are ways to improve your farm and the amount of resources it produces. Production speed and harvest amounts are increased as the region happiness increases.

Farm rating is factored into overall region happiness. Farm rating system has three categories: Cleanliness, Value Produced, and Animal Care. You can maximize ratings for each of these.

The Animal Care Rating[ | ]

To maximize this rating you need to interact with your animals. You also have to have enough food and water for every animal. You can do so by placing one FodderTroughIconFodder Trough and one WaterTroughIconWater Trough per one large or two small animals. If there are less the animal care rating will fall.

The Cleanliness Rating[ | ]

As animals at the farm poop the cleanliness rating falls. You can clean the poop yourself (and there is a secret achievement for that). You can also hire a farmhand to do it for you.

Most of the residents of Gemea can be hired as farmhands. To convince them to work at your farm, you need to offer them food until their friendship reaches 100%. The more expensive the food is, the more it raises this meter. The meter raises 1% for every ValueSign5 of a gift's value.

You can only have one farmhand per farm at a time. You can dismiss the current farmhand by interacting with the Farm Book.

When a farm has a resident farmhand, it always has maximum cleanliness rating.

The Value Produced Rating[ | ]

It is quite difficult to raise this rating with livestock only because the return on investment is low. To quickly raise this rating, place GardenPlotIconGarden Plots, fill them with seeds and wait several days.

Farm Chest[ | ]

The big yellow chest on each farm can be used as storage. Its contents are shared between all farms the player owns and can be accessed from any farm.

Farm Structures[ | ]

A number of structures can be placed on the farm. They are used to grow crops and trees, house animals, produce resources, or as a decorations. Most farming structures have to be crafted by the player.

Every structure occupies a certain area at the farm. Structures cannot overlap.

All available structures are listed below.

Plots[ | ]

Icon Name Value Size Use Sources
GardenPlotIcon Garden Plot ValueSign465 3x3 Provides 9 spaces for planting seeds to grow crops
PlanterBoxIcon Planter Box ValueSign377 1x2 Provides 2 spaces for planting seeds to grow crops
SmallTreePlanterIcon Small Tree Planter ValueSign697 2x2 Provides one space for planting tree seeds to grow trees
StoneGardenPlotIcon Stone Garden Plot ValueSign92 3x3 Provides 9 spaces for planting seeds to grow crops
StoneTreePlotIcon Stone Tree Plot ValueSign92 3x3 Provides 2 spaces for planting tree seeds to grow trees
TreePlotIcon Tree Plot ValueSign314 3x3 Provides 2 spaces for planting tree seeds to grow trees

Animal Care[ | ]

Icon Name Value Size Use Sources
FancyFodderTroughIcon Fancy Fodder Trough ValueSign645 2x3 Increases Animal Care rating
FancyWaterTroughIcon Fancy Water Trough ValueSign738 2x3 Increases Animal Care rating
FodderTroughIcon Fodder Trough ValueSign95 2x2 Increases Animal Care rating
LargeAnimalPenIcon Large Animal Pen ValueSign363 4x4 Houses one large animal
SmallAnimalPenIcon Small Animal Pen ValueSign287 3x4 Houses one small animal
SturdyFodderTroughIcon Sturdy Fodder Trough ValueSign516 2x2 Increases Animal Care rating
SturdyLargeAnimalPenIcon Sturdy Large Animal Pen ValueSign560 4x4 Houses one large animal
SturdySmallAnimalPenIcon Sturdy Small Animal Pen ValueSign509 3x4 Houses one small animal
SturdyWaterTroughIcon Sturdy Water Trough ValueSign602 2x2 Increases Animal Care rating
WaterTroughIcon Water Trough ValueSign270 2x2 Increases Animal Care rating

Machines[ | ]

Icon Name Value Size Use Sources
ButterChurnerIcon Butter Churner ValueSign662 2x2 Produces ButterIconButter from GroffleMilkIconGroffle Milk
  • Novice Tinker: 1xTinkersKitIcon 1xGearsIcon 1xCogsIcon 1xBitsAndBobsIcon 1xOilIcon 1xMachinePartsIcon 1xRivetIcon 1xLeatherIcon
CheeseMakerIcon Cheese Maker ValueSign662 2x2 Produces CheeseIconCheese from GroffleMilkIconGroffle Milk
  • Novice Tinker: 1xTinkersKitIcon 1xGearsIcon 1xCogsIcon 1xBitsAndBobsIcon 1xOilIcon 1xMachinePartsIcon 1xGlueIcon 1xPlankIcon
FertilizerMakerIcon Fertilizer Maker ValueSign646 2x2 Produces FertilizerIconFertilizer from animal poop or FodderIconFodder
  • Novice Tinker: 1xTinkersKitIcon 1xGearsIcon 1xCogsIcon 1xBitsAndBobsIcon 1xOilIcon 1xMachinePartsIcon 1xClayIcon 1xCoalIcon
FireworkDisplayIcon Firework Display ValueSign795 2x2 Launches a firework show
  • Novice Tinker: 1xTinkersKitIcon 1xGearsIcon 1xCogsIcon 1xBitsAndBobsIcon 1xOilIcon 1xMachinePartsIcon 1xStoneArchIcon 1xStoneTilesIcon
SeedMakerIcon Seed Maker ValueSign675 2x2 Produces seeds from crops
  • Novice Tinker: 1xTinkersKitIcon 1xGearsIcon 1xCogsIcon 1xBitsAndBobsIcon 1xOilIcon 1xMachinePartsIcon 1xMortarIcon 1xKeystoneIcon
SpinningWheelIcon Spinning Wheel ValueSign630 2x2 Produces ClothIconCloth from FluffIconFluff

Totems[ | ]

Icon Name Value Size Use Sources
CatTotemIcon Cat Totem ValueSign604 1x1 Attracts decorative cats
GroffleCakeStackIcon Groffle Cake Stack ValueSign171 1x1 Increaces the amount of poop animals produce
GroffleTotemIcon Groffle Totem ValueSign1 1x1 Increases Animal Care rating

Decor[ | ]

Icon Name Value Size Sources
CobblestoneIcon Cobblestone ValueSign7 1x1
CreepyCauldronIcon Creepy Cauldron ValueSign910 2x2
HalloweenScarecrowIcon Halloween Scarecrow ValueSign735 1x1
HedgeFenceIcon Hedge Fence ValueSign63 1x2
LampPostIcon Lamp Post ValueSign1242 2x2
  • Master Tinker: 1xTinkersKitIcon 2xGearsIcon 1xCogsIcon 1xOilIcon 2xLeadIngotIcon 1xSilverIngotIcon
PottedShrubIcon Potted Shrub ValueSign142 1x2
RailFenceIcon Rail Fence ValueSign303 1x2
StackoJacksIcon Stack-o'-Jacks ValueSign420 3x3
StoneFenceIcon Stone Fence ValueSign108 1x2
WoodPlanterBoxIcon Wood Planter Box ValueSign189 1x2
WoodenFenceIcon Wooden Fence ValueSign373 1x2
WoodenLampPostIcon Wooden Lamp Post ValueSign468 2x2

Achievements[ | ]
