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Icon Fishing

The waters of the surrounding sea and the lakes and rivers of Gemea are full of fish. This species' richness leads to a long list of possible catches.

How to Fish[]

You need a FishingPoleIconFishing Pole to fish. You can get one for free from Theodore or trade for it with some traders.

It is possible to fish at any location where a popup with Fishing Pole is visible. Select the Fishing Pole, stand near any water body and press the action button. You will enter the fishing mini-game (there is a quick tutorial first time you do that). After the fish you need spawns get your bobber in front of it so it can bite. After the fish bites reel it in by dragging the bobber in the direction opposite of its movement. After you pull the fish out a popup with its name and size appears.

List of Fish[]

There are 17 different kinds of fish known in Gemea.

Icon Name Value Max Size Location Used in
DipFishIcon Dip Fish ValueSign10 12cm Any water body OilIconOil
Got fIsH? quest
LaceFishIcon Lace Fish ValueSign30 23cm Freshwater lakes HaberdasheryIconHaberdashery
NackleFishIcon Nackle Fish ValueSign40 40cm Any ocean A knack for Nackle fish! quest
GhostFishIcon Ghost Fish ValueSign30 21cm Any river or lake at midnight (11pm - 2am) GhostFishStewIconGhost Fish Stew
OldSoggyBootIcon Old Soggy Boot ValueSign10 Size 12 Can replace any fish you catch
LuckyBronzeFishIcon Lucky Bronze Fish ValueSign26 24cm Any ocean
LuckySilverFishIcon Lucky Silver Fish ValueSign45 25cm Any ocean
LuckyGoldenFishIcon Lucky Golden Fish ValueSign125 26 cm Any ocean
LuckyRainbowFishIcon Lucky Rainbow Fish ValueSign380 27cm

In the ocean at the following locations:

Food for Kirin
PrinceFishIcon Prince Fish ValueSign64 32cm Rivers and lakes
PrincessFishIcon Princess Fish ValueSign64 32cm Rivers and lakes

Mocha Bay

KingFishIcon King Fish ValueSign133 45cm Rivers and lakes

(Can be found in the same lake where

the constellation Moko & Poko is located.)

QueenFishIcon Queen Fish ValueSign133 45cm Rivers and lakes

(Can be found in the same lake where

the constellation Moko & Poko is located.)

Delivery Quest for Theodore
FulgurFishIcon Fulgur Fish ValueSign480 25cm Rivers and lakes during storm or rain

(Can be found in the same lake where

the constellation Moko & Poko is located, during sunny day around noon.)

GigalevFishIcon Gigalev Fish ValueSign870 84cm The ocean in the following regions:
YinFishIcon Yin Fish ValueSign420 24cm In the river in Dapplewood Forest at dusk (5pm - 7pm)
YangFishIcon Yang Fish ValueSign420 24cm In the river in Dapplewood Forest at dawn (5am - 7am)

Additional Uses[]

In addition to the uses listed in the table above, any fish in the list (except an OldSoggyBootIconOld Soggy Boot) can be used for crafting CookedFishIconCooked Fish and trading with Fish-Barterer for OldKingdomCoinIconOld Kingdom Coins.

Any fish can also be given as a gift when hiring a farmhand. The friendship meter raises 1% for every ValueSign5 of a fish's value.



Residents offer you advice about fishing:

I love fishing, especially when I catch something!
Give some a fish and they'll eat for a day. Teach them to fish and they'll get out of your hair forever!
