Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles Wiki
GardenPlotIcon Garden Plot
A freshly tilled garden area.
What will you grow?
Value ValueSign465
Crafting 1xCarpentersKitIcon 1xGlueIcon 2xClayIcon 1xWaterIcon 2xShapedPlanksIcon 1xWoodArchIcon
Size 3x3

The Garden Plot is a farm structure created by Carpenters.

Source[ | ]

Garden Plot can be crafted by Master Carpenter using:

It can also be purchased from trader in Fairmont and trader at the East Docks.

Bushel will give you Garden Plot during the quest Farming basics.

Uses[ | ]

Garden Plot is used in farming. It provides nine spaces for planting crops when placed at the farm.

Garden Plot occupies 3x3 area when placed at the player's farm.
