Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles Wiki
SeedMakerIcon Seed Maker
Add some crops and after time seeds come out.
Value ValueSign675
Crafting 1xTinkersKitIcon 1xGearsIcon 1xCogsIcon 1xBitsAndBobsIcon 1xOilIcon 1xMachinePartsIcon 1xMortarIcon 1xKeystoneIcon
Size 2x2

SeedMakerIcon Seed Maker is a farm structure made by Tinkers.

Source[ | ]

Seed Maker is crafted by Novice Tinker using:

Use[ | ]

A Seed Maker can be placed on a farm to automatically or manually produce 2x seeds from any seeded plant. To make the seeds manually the player needs to interact with the Seed Maker.

The following plants can be put into Seed Maker to make seeds:

Seed Maker occupies 2x2 area when placed on the player's farm.
