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Soot Fox
Soot Fox
A small and agile animal that favours mountain caverns. They hoard coal to help them hide.
Season Spring
Location Numino Peak
Max Size Small
Food FodderIconFodder
Produce CoalIconCoal

The Soot Fox is an animal found in Numino Peak. It can be found during Spring, Summer or Autumn and likes to eat FodderIconFodder.

Soot Fox can be adopted if you have an empty SmallAnimalPenIconSmall Animal Pen or SturdySmallAnimalPenIconSturdy Small Animal Pen at the farm. It produces CoalIconCoal while living in the pen. Since there is no farm in Numino Peak, Soot Fox can be taken to Sunderwind Farm or to Shivering Farm.

Kari's Knowledge[]
