Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles Wiki
SturdySmallAnimalPenIcon Sturdy Small Animal Pen
A sturdy structure to house a single small animal.
They'll be very cozy living here!
Value ValueSign509
Crafting 1xConstructorsKitIcon 2xKeystoneIcon 2xStoneArchIcon 1xStonePillarIcon 1xStoneTilesIcon 1xMortarIcon
Size 3x4

The Sturdy Small Animal Pen is a farm structure crafted by Constructors.

Source[ | ]

Sturdy Small Animal Pen can be crafted by Novice Constructor using:

Uses[ | ]

Sturdy Small Animal Pen is used in farming. It provides a living space for single small animal when placed at the farm.

Sturdy Small Animal Pen occupies 3x4 area when placed at the player's farm.
